Wildlife Fact Sheet: Sumatran Orangutan

About me Orangutan means “forest people” in Malay — I mean, technically, we’re primates, but we share a lot of traits with you. We’re highly social and intelligent, and we…

Wildlife Fact Sheet: Sumatran Rhinoceros

About me I’m the smallest of the five rhino species that exist on Earth today. That’s probably because a) I’m an island species (those always tend to be on the…

Wildlife Fact Sheet: Sumatran Tiger

About me I love our little island – so much that I developed into a subspecies from all other tigers, and adapted to this special forest environment by becoming the…

Wildlife Fact Sheet: Sun Bear

About me I’m the second-rarest bear species, after the Giant Panda. I’m also the smallest of the bear family, but I’m the only one who can cradle my cub while…

Wildlife Fact Sheet: Silvery Gibbon

About me I can live to be 25 years old in the wild. I use that time to frolic about in the rainforest trees eating fruits that other animals —…

Wildlife Fact Sheet: Flat-headed Cat

About me I’m your typical cat in some ways, I’m active at night, my favorite meal is of the fish variety, and I roll alone. But, in other ways, I’m…

Wildlife Fact Sheet: Pangolin

About me I’m nocturnal, and my happy place is hanging out in the dark by myself. I’m a strong, independent pangolin, who doesn’t need a lot of friends. I like…

Wildlife Fact Sheet: Malayan Tapir

About me I can live to the human equivalent of a quarter-life crisis (25-30 years), but few of us have that chance these days. My Tapir friends and I are…

Wildlife Fact Sheet: Asian Palm Civet

About me I love the rainforest and the rainforest loves me. My ideal night? Long walks in the moonlight, by myself, finding beans so I can eat them, poop them…

Wildlife Fact Sheet: Tarsier

About me I can live to be sweet sixteen, but I get stressed out easily. I’m sensitive to daylight, noise, and human contact. These big eyes I have? I’m nocturnal,…