Mike Brune showdown with Clean Coal pusher

By Josh Ran

Check out this video of RAN’s executive director facing off with Joe Lucas from the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity.

Considering how heated this topic is, the two of them were as polite as polite can be – but perhaps that’s because Joe Lucas is so predictably blind to the hypocrisy of the notion of ‘clean coal’ that it’s almost difficult to get riled up. Sure Joe, SURE we can capture and sequester all carbon from all coal plants underground….forever. Sure.

The scary reality is that both political candidates are caught up in clean coal fever too – dropping the phrase at every opportunity. From what Jeff Biggers reported for CNN, more and more of the people in coal country are hungry for alternatives to coal jobs. In fact, he says “In a recent poll released by the Opinion Research Corp., the majority of West Virginian voters supported energy independence through wind and solar power over coal.”

Both candidates need to wake up and smell the clean energy coffee. And Joe Lucas, along with the coal industry needs to find a new job.

Mike’s on a book tour right now for his new book ‘Coming Clean, Breaking America’s Addiction to Oil and Coal’ – check out the webpage to see if he’s coming to a town near you!