Coal India: You spoke, Wall Street listened!

Good news this week! On Coal India, you spoke—and Wall Street listened. U.S. banks stayed away from the deal! Back in September, we asked for your help when a share…

Risking arrest to stop the sale of our public lands

Yesterday, outside of Denver, the federal government offered up 90,000 acres of public lands for sale to the highest bidder, to drill and frack for private profit.1 Much of that land…

BREAKING: Keystone XL is history

Today, you made history. After a seven-year fight, President Obama rejected the Keystone XL pipeline once and for all.1 It’s you—and the rest of the movement — that we have to…


On Tuesday, I sat in a half-empty ballroom in a Holiday Inn in Cheyenne, Wyoming, and watched oil companies buy up 60,000 acres of wild land to drill and frack for…