On Tuesday, I sat in a half-empty ballroom in a Holiday Inn in Cheyenne, Wyoming, and watched oil companies buy up 60,000 acres of wild land to drill and frack for…

Stop the sale of our public lands

Yesterday in Wyoming, some of the world’s richest dirty energy companies bought up 76,000 acres of public lands to mine, drill and frack for private profit. I rallied with environmentalists…

Taking your message to Guess

For over a year, Rainforest Action Network has been calling on fashion brands to stand up for forests and those who depend on them. Wood-based fabrics, including rayon and viscose,…

Indonesian Frontline Activists: “Stand With Us!”

Even as millions of people across SE Asia are suffocating under smoke pollution billowing from the out of control wildfires surrounding Indonesia’s palm oil plantations, all too often the stories…

Citigroup Takes a Step Away From Banking Coal

Earlier today, Citigroup, the parent company of Citibank, committed to take a significant, though partial step away from banking coal. The company updated its environmental policy statement, stating that it…