Rigged Games
The Tokyo 2020 Olympics and its corruption scandals are directly tied to rainforest destruction: The Games’ timber supplier Korindo was “allegedly engaged in questionable deals” as they bought up rainforests in Indonesia to harvest timber and develop palm oil plantations. But to date, the Tokyo 2020 organizers have failed to disclose how much Korindo wood they used, rejected six complaints we brought against them over their use of Korindo wood, and only partially disclosed where the wood was sourced from.

Earther: Prized Forests Lost Big at This Year’s Olympics
“Half of the tropical plywood used in Japan comes from the Malaysian state of Sarawak on the island of Borneo, which has one of the highest rates of deforestation in…
How many trees are cut down every year?
Rainforests across the world are in great danger. Food and Agriculture Organization’s 2016 State of the Forests report revealed that 7 million hectares of forest are lost annually while agricultural…
RAN Supports Indigenous Youth In Fight Against Invasive Logging
On the night of December 2, 2002, with temperatures below zero, two sisters and young Indigenous mothers from the Grassy Narrows First Nation drove from their reserve, located in the…

Myanmar Illegal Logging Poses Enormous Risk for Customers Across Southeast Asia
Truck carrying raw logs in Myanmar. Photo courtesy of the EIA. The Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) has released a shocking new report, Data Corruption: Exposing the true scale of logging…
Indonesian Forest Protections Under Attack
I wish I didn’t have to write this blog post on Earth Day. The rainforest where I saw my first wild orangutan is under threat. I can’t believe it! There…
Congress: Protect the Forests and Wildlife of the World From Illegal Logging
Did you know that almost half of all rainforest destruction is done illegally? Government corruption, lax laws and poor enforcement result in widespread illegal deforestation across the globe. This unofficial…
Deadly Violence Against Environmentalists On The Rise Worldwide
“We all stand before history.“- Ken Saro-Wiwa, executed for environmental advocacy, Nigeria, Nov. 10, 1995 What the hell is going on out there? I know a lot people targeted by…
Rainforest Action Network Victories: Top Ten of 2010
Making change in the world is hard work — some times decades-long hard work. But with the right combination of strategies, experience, tenacity, and allies, it is possible to achieve…
Top 10 Ways To Celebrate World Rainforest Week
Happy World Rainforest Week! How will YOU celebrate rainforests from October 17-24? Please add your ideas, activities, and commitments as a comment to this blog to keep our thoughts and…