Chevron is up for a huge award this month and we need your votes (VOTE HERE) to help them win this much-deserved award. Each year ten corporations are (dis)honored by being named as finalists in the “Corporate Hall of Shame.” This year Corporate Accountability International has deemed Chevron worthy of their final list because of the company’s toxic legacy of pollution in the Ecuadorean rainforest. It will surely be a close race as Chevron is up against some stiff competition:
Monsanto – “for mass-producing cancer causing chemicals, aggressively running small farms out of business and for recklessly promoting genetically engineered seeds that threaten food scarcity globally.”
McDonald’s – “for influence peddling and predatory marketing to children that is driving the deadly epidemic of diet-related disease now devastating communities globally and leading to the breakdown of the entire food system.”
BP – do I really have to explain?
Nestle – “for undermining the human right to water and aggressively expanding its environmentally destructive water bottling operations over the objections of communities globally.”
However, Chevron is responsible for one of the largest oil disasters on Earth. Chevron is responsible for over 17 billion gallon of toxic waste-water and 15 million gallons of crude oil dumped in Ecuadorean communities. It is because of this unprecedented, and tragic, example of Chevron’s corporate culture that they are a deserving winner of this year’s award. I’m voting for them to be inducted into 2010’s Corporate Hall of Shame, and you should too!
We promise, if Chevron wins, to come up with a creative way to deliver the company the award!