Last week, we launched our campaign to pressure Morgan Stanley to stop cashing in on coal.1 Thanks to your action, we have their attention. Now it’s time to up the ante. Next Friday, October 9, we’ll be rallying at a Morgan Stanley branch near you.
What: Rally at Morgan Stanley!
When: Friday, October 9
Where: A Morgan Stanley branch near you
We know pressure works: Just this year, you successfully pushed Bank of America to drop coal mining after a four-year RAN campaign.2 Here at RAN, we’ve been working behind the scenes to push Wall Street banks to meet or exceed Bank of America’s policy, and we’ve seen positive signs. But Morgan Stanley continues to finance coal’s worst of the worst.
Rally at Morgan Stanley next Friday: Drop coal!
Morgan Stanley:
Conducted half a billion dollars worth of coal deals in 2014 — and also banks Peabody Energy, the world’s largest private sector coal mining company.
Financed $1.2 billion for the largest coal fired power plant operators in the world last year — including RWE, Europe’s largest single emitter of carbon dioxide.
Continues to finance mountaintop removal coal mining, at a time when eleven of Morgan Stanley’s competitors have committed to cut financing for this horrific practice.
Coal hurts communities and kills the climate. Rally next Friday: Tell Morgan Stanley to drop it!
For fifteen years, RAN and activists like you have been holding the U.S. banking sector accountable for its environmental and human rights impacts. Together, we’ll make Morgan Stanley the next bank to commit to dropping coal.
1. “Five Reasons Why Morgan Stanley is RAN’s Next Target Bank on Coal Finance,” Rainforest Action Network, September 22, 2015
2. Rainforest Action Network, “Bank of America Campaign Timeline”, May 6, 2015