Who’s Bankrolling TransCanada?
Who’s banking the Coastal GasLink pipeline Feb 2020 UPDATE. Who’s banking the Keystone XL pipeline May 2020 UPDATE. Today, the Trump administration approved TransCanada’s latest permit to build the Keystone…

Keystone XL: Where Things Stand
It’s been one month since the climate movement won a significant delay on the Keystone XL pipeline. Since then, the oil industry and their political and media backers have gotten…
Top Quotes from Today’s Keystone News
We’ve had our eyes glued to the news on the Keystone XL pipeline delay all day. Here are some of the responses from different sides of the issue that we…
What Today’s Keystone Pipeline Delay Means For You
If you’ve been glued to the emerging news on the Keystone XL pipeline like the RAN team has today then you already know that a final decision on this disastrous…
Decentralized Actions Ready to Stop Keystone XL
The campaign to stop the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline has become a watershed moment in confronting climate change and fossil fuel extraction. So far, more than 94,000 people have…
Resisting Exxon and Peabody’s Dark Age
Forget the reign of Tywin Lannister and his bloodthirsty brood of children, grandchildren and henchmen raping and pillaging their way through the fantastical land of Westeros while hapless Starks are…
The Keystone XL Resistance Training Tour Returns
We’re not sitting idly, waiting for President Obama to decide whether to approve or reject the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. This weekend, more than 300 people are expected to…
PHOTOS: 5 Things the Galveston Bay Oil Spill Says About Keystone XL
On Saturday, March 22, a barge carrying thick bunker fuel collided with another ship in the Houston Shipping Canal in Texas. The barge spilled 168,000 gallons of oil into the…
XL Dissent: Where Do We Go From Here? Announcing the Pledge of Resistance Spring Training Tour
The Keystone XL Pledge of Resistance is coming to campuses to train students for civil disobedience to stop the pipeline. Click here to join the 86,000 people who have already…
Hundreds Protest Keystone XL In Philly, 29 Arrested – Story In Photos
While the formal public comment period on the Keystone XL pipeline came to a close last Friday (with more than two million comments against the pipeline!), KXL opponents in Philadelphia…