Our Vote, Our Voice, Our Rights

We all know our basic rights — our right to vote; our right to a free press; our right to peacefully protest. We may need to use our voices to make sure every vote is counted.

Rights Abuses, Deforestation, and Climate Change

Procter & Gamble is linked to rights abuses, deforestation, and climate change: P&G this doesn’t look good! Here are 3 ways P&G is falling short and 1 thing you can do about it.

Follow the Lead of Frontline Communities

For over 35 years, we’ve fought to preserve forests, protect the climate, and uphold human rights. Fighting against systemic injustice and partnering with Indigenous and frontline communities have been core values at RAN since our founding in 1985, because we believe that only if human rights and Indigenous rights are respected will we be able to keep forests standing and protect our climate.

A Movement for Racial Justice

The fight against climate change, deforestation, and human rights abuses is inextricably linked to the fight for racial justice. Climate justice and racial justice are one in the same, and the environmental movement is not whole without bringing a racial justice lens to the forefront of fighting corporate power.

Portland, Protests and People Power

The Black Lives Matter movement continues to push for justice — and the federal government wants to silence us.

Human Rights

There is no environmental justice without racial justice. Only if equality, equity and the respect for basic rights are guaranteed for all human beings, will we be able to protect rainforests and our global climate — and only if these remain intact, can true racial and social justice be achieved.

Black Lives Matter

RAN stands in solidarity with those in the streets bringing attention to the movement for black lives and seeking to gain justice for George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, and…

How do the Snack Food Giants compare on Cutting Conflict Palm Oil?

How do the Snack Food Giants compare on Cutting Conflict Palm Oil? Our assessment has found that their paper promises have not stopped deforestation, have not mitigated threats to endangered species, and have not delivered remedy for the exploitation of Indigenous Peoples, local communities and workers.

Snack food giant assessment