Haiti Earthquake and Health Crisis

In the early morning on August 14, 2021, a magnitude 7.2 earthquake hit Haiti. The most important thing we can do to support Haitians is to ensure that those who are conducting search and rescue efforts in these storm conditions, and those organizing food, water, and medical supplies have everything they need.

Palm trees in wind and rain

Chasing Down Chase

JPMorgan Chase is the world’s worst fossil fuel banker — but the pressure to change is mounting. This year, CEO billionaire Jamie Dimon, and the rest of the bank’s senior management team got a warning from their shareholders they can’t afford to ignore.

projection outside of Chase Center

Organizing During Crisis

People power has the potential to create monumental change– and this has never been more evident than now. Understanding how to organize safely during the recent crises has resulted in some of the most creative and collaborative movement building we’ve seen in recent times.

keep forests standing banner in rainforest

Covid Community Relief Funds

The impact of COVID-19 has been hardest felt by the poor, people of color, and Indigenous Peoples. This summer, we asked you if you could help create a grassroots matching gift to send support where it was needed most.

watercolor by Charlize Branch