Customary Communities Fight Palm Oil Producers for Land Rights in Sumatra
Communities in Aceh use the High Carbon Stock Approach to map and assess their lands This is the story of the struggles and demands of the Jambo Reuhat community, one…

What’s at Stake in the ‘Orangutan Capital of the World’ — A Firsthand Account
Award winning photojournalist and wildlife conservationist Paul Hilton has over a decade of field experience documenting biodiversity and destruction in the Leuser Ecosystem. Photography by Paul Hilton I’ve been down…
RAN Calls on RSPO to Strengthen Requirements
Criteria Fails to Comply with New EU Deforestation Regulations (EUDR) RSPO Risks Undermining Credibility with Weakened Standards Contact: Jakarta Time Zone | Gemma Tillack: +61 456 843 690 US Time…
Chinese Food Giant Cofco Exposed for Destruction in Leuser Ecosystem
Illegal deforestation persists in Orangutan Capital of the World despite commitments to restore Rawa Singkil peatlands A recent investigation by investigative outlet Repórter Brasil, produced in partnership with the Pulitzer…
Bunin Community Demand Their Land Back from Rogue Palm Oil Company
After years of struggle. Indonesian community demands brands and banks stop doing business with palm oil company PT. Tegas Nusantara, Indigenous community in Bunin village, reclaim their land through participatory…
Years After Convictions, Palm Oil Producers Refuse to Pay Fines or Restore Leuser Rainforest Damage
Rogue palm oil companies PT. SPS and PT. Kallista Alam refuse to obey court orders after illegally clearing critical peatlands Two notorious palm oil producers known to operate in Sumatra’s…

Long Isun berjuang mempertahankan hutan Kalimantan yang terancam hilang
Read this article in English >> ウェブサイトの日本語版はこちらから >> Masyarakat Adat Long Isun merupakan komunitas yang berada di garis depan perlawanan deforestasi di Borneo. Selama lebih dari satu dekade, Masyarakat Adat…

Long Isun Fights for Borneo’s Vanishing Rainforests
For more than a decade, the community has fought logging and palm oil development on their ancestral land, which is home to one of the last intact rainforests in Indonesia’s East Kalimantan province. The community is fighting to protect some of Borneo’s last intact rainforests from companies connected to Mondelēz and Procter & Gamble — and they need your help.

Notorious Rainforest Destroyer Caught Taking Palm Oil To Global Market
Supply chains of major brands found to be tainted with Conflict Palm Oil, Again As Indonesia’s extraordinary Leuser Ecosystem has gained international recognition as a global biodiversity hotspot, the conservation…