APRIL Misses the Mark with New Forest Management Policy

On Tuesday, Indonesia’s second largest pulp and paper company, Asia Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL), released an updated Sustainable Forest Management Policy. While this policy is notable, especially given APRIL’s…

Investor Summit: Bank of America puts our Climate at Risk

This post is by Yann Louvel, BankTrack Climate and Energy Campaign Coordinator. Earlier this month, Bank of America participated in the 2014 Investor Summit on Climate Risk as the “convening sponsor” of…

Goldman Sachs Sacks Coal Export Investment

This year got off to a good start when Goldman Sachs withdrew its investment in the dirtiest coal project on the west coast by selling off its equity investment in…

Thank You

You know what I’m thankful for this year? You. Everything RAN has accomplished this past year is thanks to you. Please don’t think for a second that I’m just saying…

Conflict Palm Oil Case Study – Cargill and Snack Food 20 At Risk!

Clearance of forest for a new Bumitama palm oil plantation. Photo: The Centre for Orangutan Protection[/caption] [TRIGGER WARNING] This article documents rainforest destruction and incidents of orangutan fatalities in relation…

Our Big Finale! (Or is it?)

This is it! We’ve reached the final stop on our “The Power Is In Your Palm” Tour! This morning, I accompanied Strawberry, the orphaned orangutan from Indonesia, on her final…