Time for France’s Biggest Bank to Stop Funding Mountaintop Removal Coal
This post is by Ben Collins of RAN and Yann Louvel of BankTrack. The campaign to stop bank financing of mountaintop removal coal mining is gaining momentum. For years, RAN…
Extreme Coal – No Longer Business as Usual
For the first time since we began publishing coal finance report cards five years ago, we have an encouraging trend to report: Major banks have begun making noise about the…
Banking on Coal: New BankTrack Report Highlights Bank Complicity in Global Coal Mining Boom
“Most innovative investment bank for climate change.” – Citigroup “Mak(ing) your life greener and help(ing) tackle climate change.” – Morgan Stanley “Financing a low carbon economy.” – Bank of America…
Seven of Bloomberg’s Top Ten “Greenest Banks” Are Climate Killers
A Guest blog-post by Yann Louvel, BankTrack‘s Climate and Energy Campaign Coordinator This week, Bloomberg published the results of its third annual ranking of the “world’s greenest banks”: Citi was…
Do We Need Natural Capital or Nature Without Capital?
As the Rio+20 ‘Earth’ summit gets underway, we’re hearing a slew of ‘sustainability’ pronouncements and declarations from the business sector, to illustrate their planet-saving intentions. One of these is the…
Goldman Sachs Sets the Wrong Target
Last week I received an announcement from Goldman Sachs proudly promoting their latest Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) report, highlighting efforts to address environmental, social and governance issues in 2011 and…
WestLB Takes A Brave Step In The Right Direction
This post is by Yann Louvel, BankTrack Climate and Energy Campaign Coordinator. Last month we got some promising news from WestLB, the German bank. They produced a new policy on…
The Top 20 Climate Killer Banks
A new report titled “Bankrolling Climate Change” calls out the top 20 banks that are financing the dirty coal industry. The top three “climate killers” will not come as much…
Keeping an Eye on Big Banks
RAN has a strong history of pressuring the financial sector to take responsibility for where it invests money – and we are not alone. Here’s a peep at some websites…
Banks Ranked and Spanked on Tar Sands
As an ode to the “rank ’em and spank ’em” strategy coined by our outgoing Executive Director Mike Brune, we proudly present the following roster of international banks backing expansion…