A year of urgent action:
Rainforest Action Network
Scroll down to learn about the collective achievements of our Network this year or download our full annual report to read more.

Dear Friends 
A message from our Executive Director
For nearly 40 years, Rainforest Action Network (RAN) has undertaken bold campaigns to hold some of the world's biggest corporations accountable for business models that are linked to forest destruction, loss of biodiversity, climate change, and the marginalization of Indigenous Peoples' and local communities' rights and livelihoods. Thank you for being a crucial part of our Network.”
Download RAN's 2024 Annual Report to read Ginger’s full message >>
Small Grants. Huge Impact.
30 years of funding the frontlines with Community Action Grants
As the real-world impacts of hurricanes, wildfires, droughts, and sea level rise continue to accelerate, it is more clear than ever that the people who contribute the least to global carbon emissions are the first to feel the consequences of the climate crisis. Far too often, it is Indigenous, black, and island nation communities who are bearing the brunt of the global pollution spewed for decades by wealthy countries of the Global North. For that reason, in addition to our campaigns to challenge abuses of corporate power, Rainforest Action Network provides direct support to the efforts of frontline communities most affected by climate change and resource extraction through our Community Action Grants (CAG) Program.
The CAG program offers easy-to-access grants to frontline groups actively fighting deforestation and climate change in their communities. These grants can provide a lifeline for communities and organizations that may face challenges gaining access to more traditional funding sources. To date, our grantmaking program has made more than
1,000+ grants totalling over $7,000,000+ to organizations on 6 continents
doing critical work.
+ People Power

= Results
Challenging Corporate Power
Together we’re taking action to shift entire sectors

The Methane Threat
It needs to be stated over and over — there is nothing “natural” about “natural gas.” Liquified “Natural” Gas (LNG) is methane — a powerful greenhouse gas that can trap more heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide. It is a fossil fuel with 80 times more warming power than carbon dioxide over a twenty year period — yet more than 20 new LNG export facilities have been planned in the U.S. Gulf Coast alone. This would be the biggest sector expansion in a generation and lock nations into decades of dependence on fossil fuels.
Every dirty fossil fuel project needs three things: permits, capital and insurance.Over the years, RAN has worked to protect our climate by going after two key enablers of our climate crisis – banks and insurance companies. And in 2024 we achieved a big win when insurance giant Chubb dropped out of the Rio Grande LNG project, a result of direct pressure from RAN and partners.

Investigative Reporting
How do you shift the bad behavior of a global international corporation — like Nestlé or PepsiCo? More importantly, how do you shift the destructive practices of an entire sector — like the palm oil industry or the financial sector?
Over the last several decades, RAN has become a leading source of impeccable, in-depth research and analysis. Our publications link major household brands to illegally sourced commodities, expose human trafficking, child labor, and human rights abuses in the palm oil industry, and recount how local organizing and activism can protect communities against extractive corporate bullying.
We do the research and publish the reports that lay the foundation for not only RAN’s campaigns, but for entire global movements working in concert to shift bad corporate actors.

Fighting for Forests
And the communities who defend them
Impact by the Numbers