A RAN field investigation has unearthed evidence of ongoing destruction of critical elephant habitat by PT. Agra Bumi Niaga just months after the company was exposed for clearing 324 hectares of forests in breach of the President of Indonesia’s moratorium. Investigators have tracked the supply of oil palm fruit from this controversial plantation to nearby crude palm oil processing mill owned by PT. Ensem Sawita a supplier to six of the world’s largest palm oil traders—Wilmar, Musim Mas, Golden Agri-Resources (GAR), Cargill, IOI and ADM—which in turn supply global brands such as PepsiCo.
This report exposes the actors involved in, or profiting from, the destruction of the Leuser Ecosystem and the shocking truth that despite the wave of “No Deforestation” commitments that have been made by countless corporations, the global palm oil supply chain remains tainted with Conflict Palm Oil grown at the expense of the Leuser Ecosystem. If more immediate action is not taken to enforce “No Deforestation” policies these brands will be remembered as the corporate giants responsible for the destruction of the last place on earth where Sumatran elephants, orangutans, rhinos and tigers roamed side by side.
Demand an end to the destruction now!
Full documentation of this investigation can be found here.
Update as of August 14, 2017: During the months of May, June and July 2017, PT. ABN continued to clear forest inside its concession despite this controversy being exposed twice by RAN in the past six months. Since the end of April 2017 through July 2017, a further 34 hectares of forest have been destroyed, totaling 366 hectares cleared since Indonesia’s moratorium on forest clearance for palm oil development was announced in June 2016. As of July 27, 2017, only 54 hectares of standing forest remain in the concession.
A majority of the recent forest clearance took place in June and July 2017. Satellite imagery analysis shows 18 hectares were cleared in June 2017 and 12 hectares were cleared in July 2017.
June 2017 satellite imagery analysis of PT. ABN.
July 2017 satellite imagery analysis of PT. ABN.