Forests are as essential to our survival as they are to our planet’s.
Rainforests are home to incredible biodiversity and wildlife found nowhere else on Earth, from jaguars and gorillas to elephants and orangutans. They clean the air we breathe and the water we drink. They provide livelihoods, food, shelter, and medicine to millions of people, including local and Indigenous communities who have managed forests for many generations. And rainforests are our best line of defense against climate chaos, storing massive amounts of carbon in their trees and in the ground — where it belongs.
The largest remaining tropical forests in the world are in Indonesia, the Amazon, and the Congo Basin. These tropical forests are complex ecosystems made up of a thick canopy of trees, dense peatlands, and an amazing variety of plants, wildlife, and people!
Forests are under attack.
Rainforests are a global resource for all life on Earth. But their future — and ours — is in danger. The largest remaining rainforests sit on different continents, but the threats they face are one and the same: Massive corporations are destroying tropical forests at an alarming rate, making huge profits off of deforestation and the human rights violations that go with it. Local and Indigenous communities lose their land to corporate theft as forests fall for cheap commodities like palm oil, soy, cocoa, pulp and paper, timber, and beef — all for a quick profit.
Endangered species hold on by a thread as their habitat and numbers dwindle in the face of corporate greed. And as corporations burn and bulldoze forests for profit, all of their stored carbon is released into the world’s atmosphere, transforming rainforests from a climate solution to a climate problem.
Deforestation for corporate greed threatens the very communities and Indigenous peoples who have maintained and protected these forests for generations, disrupting their food and water supplies, introducing diseases, and threatening their ways of life. If rainforests are one of our best lines of defense against the climate crisis, then strong, organized Indigenous and frontline communities are our ultimate defenders.
Join Us in Stopping Deforestation