Taking care of each other during crisis

How to help during the Covid-19 pandemic

By Ginger Cassady

Just like you, our family at RAN is trying to navigate the global pandemic that is reaching into our communities and around the world. Social justice and mutual aid are at the heart of the work RAN does and because of that, we wanted to offer resources for regions around the US and and around the world to support folks who are unable to work, resources for people with special needs, and care for those who need it.

It’s important to remember our humanity and support each other in times of crisis. For the sake of those most vulnerable to this virus, please do what you can to contain its spread:

  • Wash your hands
  • Maintain social distance 
  • If you can, stay at home
  • Please, don’t be a racist: this virus impacts human beings, and that means ALL of us.

We hope you’re safe and sound and if you’re able to provide help for those who aren’t, please help where you can:

Help at the National Level

COVID Facts and Advocacy: This toolkit lays out information on Covid-19, facts and myth busting, and loads of links to mutual aid around the US as well as advocacy asks from National organizations. 

COVID Resources: In this document you’ll find more mutual aid resources, info on a handful of cities, and also funds for wage workers, BIPOC relief funds, and places to donate for those who are incarcerated.

Help at the Local Level

It’s Going Down has published a long list of resources for around the US as well as a handful from Canada as well:


For Students

If you’re a student this resource was specifically pulled together by the East Coast Asian American Student Union for you, though the information in here can be used by anyone: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JEwYeYeqhe0xCUSHZHV0ZKeUwxqVCQlcDq-pM-0a9YU/

During this difficult time, we’re reminded of the importance of communities and of holding each other up. Please take care of yourselves and your loved ones, and support communities in need. Our work together has never been more important, and RAN is grateful for the humanity and solidarity we’re witnessing around the world: for people and planet.