People Power Defeats Keystone XL Again

Yesterday, the Senate voted on a bill that would have overridden President Obama’s rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline. And it’s all thanks to you. When Keystone XL reared its…

Keystone XL Rejected: Thank You President Obama

President Obama has just rejected the Keystone XL pipeline! This puts a halt to current plans for a massive 1700-mile pipeline that would have allowed some of the world’s dirtiest…

Top Five Ways to Change the World in 2012

2011 saw more people power than I could have dared to hope. Last New Year’s Eve, who could have predicted that the protests in Tunisia, just then making the news,…

Keystone XL: Not a Done Deal Anymore

It was a done deal. At least, it was until a grassroots movement—driven by strong action—threw a major monkey wrench into the process. This afternoon the cards collapsed for TransCanada,…

Oil Pipeline And Husker Football Don’t Mix

Yesterday, the University of Nebraska severed ties with TransCanada after a massive outcry from Husker football fans upset that the developer of the Keystone Pipeline was running ads on the…

Drawing A Line In The Tar Sands

tipping point  (tɪpɪŋ point) — n  the crisis stage in a process, when a significant change takes place This last week, I went to Washington D.C. and joined the Tar…

VIDEO: The Tar Sands Action Was Just Phase One

The Tar Sands Action wrapped up last Saturday, and I have to say it was a truly amazing thing to watch transpire. In all, 1,253 people were arrested protesting the…