Fire Season: An Annual Emergency

Fire season grows longer and deadlier every year, and it’s proving to be an annual emergency. The climate crisis is here. So why are corporations intentionally burning tropical rainforests? We’re calling out the banks, brands and businesses driving this destruction.

felled trees and fire

The Money Behind the Big Business of Burning

Tropical forests do not burn by themselves — Big Agribusiness is setting the fires intentionally, as it’s the cheapest way to clear new land for palm oil, pulp and paper, soy, and beef. But they need the cash from the world’s mega banks and investors like fire needs oxygen — to defend our forests we need to defund the fires.

One Year Later: The Rainforests Are On Fire

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire; and where there’s fire, there’s greed. One year later & rainforest FIRES are back in the Amazon & Indonesia, driven by corporate greed, polluting our planet, & destroying lives and livelihoods. Last year was horrible but this year is on track to be WORSE.

Fresh Evidence: Major Global Brands Refuse to Stop Sourcing Fire-Fueled Conflict Palm Oil, Despite Promises

A palm oil producer, exposed for illegally slashing and burning forests, continues to sell its Conflict Palm Oil to suppliers for major brands like Nestlé, Colgate-Palmolive, PepsiCo, and Procter & Gamble despite their commitments to end deforestation for palm oil by 2020. Our latest investigations expose these brands’ failure to stop forest fires and deforestation in the Leuser Ecosystem.