Satire Wins
We launched a campaign to turn up the heat on Pepsico and its use of Conflict Palm Oil. The goal has been to takeover its darkly ironic #LiveForNow advertising campaign…

What Do Siberian Tigers and American Forestry Workers Have in Common?
Remember when we told you about Lumber Liquidators’ connection with illegal logging in Russia? The clearing of critical forests in the Russian Far East, the last habitat of the endangered…
Keystone XL: Where Things Stand
It’s been one month since the climate movement won a significant delay on the Keystone XL pipeline. Since then, the oil industry and their political and media backers have gotten…
Climate Culprits Exposed In New Scorecard
We know that keeping forests standing, along with keeping fossil fuels in the ground, offers Earth’s best hope for fighting catastrophic climate change. Yet everyday rainforests and carbon-rich peatlands are…
Stand With Orangutans On World Wildlife Day
Today is World Wildlife Day, and orangutans need your help more than ever. The rainforests in Indonesia and Malaysia that the world’s last remaining wild orangutans rely on are being…
New Keystone XL Review Acknowledges Significant Climate Impact
Today we moved a step closer to discovering what President Obama’s true climate legacy will be, when the State Department released the final, supplemental environmental impact statement (SEIS) for the…
Investor Summit: Bank of America puts our Climate at Risk
This post is by Yann Louvel, BankTrack Climate and Energy Campaign Coordinator. Earlier this month, Bank of America participated in the 2014 Investor Summit on Climate Risk as the “convening sponsor” of…
West Virginia Chemical Leak Poisons 300,000 Peoples’ Water Supply
Since last Thursday’s toxic spill, when a coal-processing chemical spilled into West Virginia’s Elk River, roughly 300,000 people have lost access to tap water. Our friends at groups like OVEC,…
Goldman Sachs Sacks Coal Export Investment
This year got off to a good start when Goldman Sachs withdrew its investment in the dirtiest coal project on the west coast by selling off its equity investment in…
Walmart: King of Greenwash
This week I have watched in horror as one of the most powerful storms ever recorded slammed into the Philippines. Fueled by a warming ocean, Typhoon Haiyan has killed an…