Goldman Prize Winner Takes P&G Fight to Cincinnati
Delima Silalahi knows a thing or two about holding corporations accountable: Her recent campaign work turned the tide in a decades-long struggle between Batak Toba Indigenous peoples, stewards of some…
Elaborate Protest At Procter & Gamble Global Headquarters Call Out Company on Forest Destruction, Human Rights Violations, and Climate Inaction
Delegation of Indonesian Indigenous leaders travel to Cincinnati to pressure the company toward action **High-res photo and video available upon request Cincinnati, OH – Today, commodity giant Procter & Gamble…
2023 Goldman Prize Recipient Honored for Holding Procter & Gamble-linked Company Accountable
Winner of the world’s preeminent environmental award and descendants of Procter & Gamble co-founders call on the company to take action on environmental and human rights abuses San Francisco, CA…
New Report: Local Community Resistance is Saving Some of the Last Rainforests in the Heart of Borneo
Despite reduction in Indonesia’s deforestation rates, much of the country’s remaining rainforests are still under threat A new report from Rainforest Action Network (RAN) shows that despite the reduction of…
Long Isun berjuang mempertahankan hutan Kalimantan yang terancam hilang
Read this article in English >> ウェブサイトの日本語版はこちらから >> Masyarakat Adat Long Isun merupakan komunitas yang berada di garis depan perlawanan deforestasi di Borneo. Selama lebih dari satu dekade, Masyarakat Adat…
Long Isun Fights for Borneo’s Vanishing Rainforests
For more than a decade, the community has fought logging and palm oil development on their ancestral land, which is home to one of the last intact rainforests in Indonesia’s East Kalimantan province. The community is fighting to protect some of Borneo’s last intact rainforests from companies connected to Mondelēz and Procter & Gamble — and they need your help.
International Brands and Banks Financing Conglomerate with Largest Connection to Indonesia’s Annual Fires and Haze Crisis, Analysis Reveals
The conglomerate Sinar Mas Group also received the most financing of any company in the forest-risk commodity sector, receiving USD 20 billion in credit (2015-Q120) FULL MEDIA BRIEFER AVAILABLE HERE….
New Report Profiles Major Brands and Banks Driving Deforestation and Human Rights Abuses; Failing to Meet 2020 Commitments
Marks the launch of a new campaign by Rainforest Action Network ***Rainforest Action Network wants to acknowledge the extraordinary circumstances of this moment, given the terrible impacts of COVID-19 on…