Fisherfolk take the fight against LNG to Chubb

“I live in Cameron, Louisiana and I’m here to stop LNG. It has totally destroyed our community. Born and raised there. Memories are all gone. All you see is a…

Insurers Revealed Behind Venture Global’s Risky Business

Investigative work by action group reveal insurers of Calcasieu Pass Methane Export Terminal (New York City, New York) — Breaking through an opaque system, Rainforest Action Network obtained information on…

Weathering the Storm: Freeport’s Fight To Save Our Home

Looking through the blown-out windows of my living room, I see my neighbor’s eight-person tent. Their house is gone, and this is how we’re living in Freeport, Texas after Hurricane…

Greenwashing Alert: NextDecade Cancels Carbon Capture

By Toyo Kawakami, Japan Senior Advisor (Japan) & Ruth Breech, Senior Campaigner (US) In August 2024, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled that permits for…