Bailed out Banks in the News

Our friends at Bank of America, Citigroup, and other major banks are in the news this week: – Yesterday, Treasury Secretary Geithner unveiled the Obama administration’s bailout plan to spend…

Bailed out Banks in the News

Our friends at Bank of America, Citigroup, and other major banks are in the news this week: – Yesterday, Treasury Secretary Geithner unveiled the Obama administration’s bailout plan to spend…

The Spectre of Nationalization

It wasn’t that long ago (I think we can count it in months actually) that the terms ‘nationalize’ and ‘banks’ just wouldn’t ever have been found in the same sentence….

Rising Tide Boston helps big banks market “Green Coal”

Last Friday, members of Rising Tide Boston set up “Green Coal” marketing tables outside branches of Bank of America and Citibank to highlight these banks’ high-risk investments in coal power…

“It’s Time for Change – The Buck Stops Here!”

At noon today, activists affiliated with the New York Action Network convened in midtown dressed in their finest business wear to apologize to the public on behalf of Citi for…

No more ‘No New Coal’?

Thanks to the good work of the Sierra Club and a large coalition of western and Utah organizations, the phrase ‘No New Coal’ may have gone WAY out of style…

All eyes on Wall Street – reframing the crisis

UPDATE: Activists Scale Flagpole Behind Iconic Wall Street Bull, Raise 150-Square Foot American Flag with ‘Foreclosed?’ Stamped Over It UPDATE 2: link to Flickr set UPDATE 3: High-res photo. —…

I got a date with Citi! (or, Inside the Citi AGM)

I’m about to hop on a plane to Charlotte, but I wanted to capture some of the excitement from Citi’s Annual Shareholder Meeting. It was an amazing day – there…