A Bad Year for Dirty Energy

April 5th is the one-year anniversary of the disaster at Massey Energy’s Upper Big Branch mine, in which 29 coal miners lost their lives needlessly thanks to Massey’s disregard for…

Hey Judge Kaplan, Your Bias is Showing

The U.S. federal judge who suggested to Chevron that the company file racketeering charges against the Ecuadorean plaintiffs suing for environmental and cultural damages in the Amazon is again being…

Help Expose Chevron’s Human Rights Hitmen

Chevron’s latest bullying legal tactic is a RICO suit filed in a U.S. federal court against the Indigenous and rural Ecuadoreans who are attempting to force the company to clean…

Chevron Was Found Guilty Because Chevron Is Guilty

Chevron is guilty of dumping a massive amount of oil pollution in the Ecuadorean Amazon, and, as you may have heard, a judge has ordered the company to pay $8…

Chevron: Adding Insult to Injury, One Scam at a Time

If you’ve been following the dramatic turns of the historic class action environmental lawsuit against Chevron in Ecuador, then you’re aware of Chevron’s aggressive public relations and legal campaign to…