Banking on Biodiversity Collapse 2024: Banks and investors continue to finance deforestation while governments are “asleep at the wheel”
Despite international commitments such as the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), financing to sectors linked to deforestation continues to rise.

Banking on Biodiversity Collapse: Inaugural Report Reveals Major Bank and Investor Policies Accelerating Deforestation, Biodiversity Destruction, and Rights Violations
Behind the scenes, the finance sector is playing an outsized role in global deforestation by financing agribusiness and logging companies.

Biodiversity — Earth’s million-piece puzzle
The forests of the world are “biodiversity hotspots,” places where we can find an extraordinarily high number of unique species — including species that are currently threatened with extinction in the wild. But biodiversity is so much more than just the sum total of individual species, which is why we have to protect places like the last tropical rainforests, stretching from Indonesia to the Amazon, with all that we have.