Palm Oil’s Effects On Communities Around The World

Did you see The New York Times Op-Ed on Saturday titled “The World Bank’s Palm Oil Mistake“? I sure did. The author, Thompson Ayodele, provided a narrow perspective on the…

Brazil: Don’t shove Belo Monte dam down our throats!

Earlier this week, the Brazilian environmental agency (IBAMA) issued the first environmental license for the Belo Monte dam. By doing this, IBAMA gave the first green light for the construction…

Peru blockades called off but controversy remains

Here is the latest on the Peru conflict. As of Friday, June 19th, the BBC reported that due to the repeal of the two most controversial presidential decrees, the blockades…

Bunge Shareholder Meeting Update

Great report back from Samantha Corbin, who attended Bunge’s shareholder meeting last Friday! “I’m more of a party crasher than someone who gets an engraved invitation. Certainly so when the…

Occupy the Amazon so as Not to Lose it—with Palm Oil

Believe it or not, palm oil isn’t just being produced in Southeast Asia, the Pacific or in West Africa. Increasingly, massive palm oil plantations are sprouting up throughout Nicaragua, Costa…

A Message from the Heart of the Amazon

This morning Andrea, Atossa and I climbed out of bed as the sun was rising on the first day of the World Social Forum to go lay out an image…

Human Banner will Send SOS from the Amazon

This year’s World Social Forum is officially kicking off tomorrow, and is being held in Belem–in the Brazilian Amazon. Approximately 100,000 people, representing civil society, social movements, and Indigenous people…

Conservation Corp.: Enviros Ally with Big Grain Traders

(from – more than an interesting read. One of the best articles and analyses dealing with the problems of the ABC’s of Rainforest Destruction – and the relationships between…