The massive sit-in at the White House to protest the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline expansion has entered its fifth day, with over 50 more arrests. But the protesters taking part in the civil disobedience at the White House are not the only ones taking their opposition to Keystone XL and the tar sands to the streets.
A group of landowners who would be affected by expansion of the Keystone XL pipeline are currently touring the proposed expansion route in a biodiesel bus with “Stop the Pipeline” emblazoned across both sides.
Texas landowner David Daniel discovered his land lay along the pipeline expansion route when he found surveyors for TransCanada trespassing on his land. Here’s a video dispatch he filed yesterday:
[youtube AFXei1ol-hA 550]
One of the first stops on the tour was at The Landrum Ranch in Oklahoma. Here’s video of that stop:
[youtube ny1Bu0CNXVw 550]
Follow the Stop The Pipeline Tour from August 20-September 3 as it winds along the proposed pipeline route, and help the landowners share their stories and the potential effects of Keystone XL.
The Stop The Pipeline Tour will take the landowners to meet with concerned citizens, debate TransCanada face-to-face, visit the Kalamazoo oil spill site, and educate the public before they head east to Washington D.C. for the Tar Sands Action with Bill McKibben, Danny Glover, Mark Ruffalo, Naomi Klein, Clayton Thomas-Muller, students, scientists, climate activists and more.