Dear King Coal, We’re Not Kidding! 8 Arrested in Ohio Coal Plant Action

By scott parkin

Remember my last couple of posts where I said that the coal fights are stepping up and people are putting their bodies on the line? I wasn’t kidding.

Last week in Richmond, 12 were arrested blockading Dominion Resources’ HQ on the day they began construction at the Wise County coal plant.

Well, we have another Monday morning and we have another direct action at the HQ of some folks building new coal fired power plants. After this week’s rendezvous, Earth First! held a demo at American Municipal Power’s HQ in Columbus OH and five entered the building and chained themselves inside. Police, being police, responded by using mace to force them out. Eight were arrested.


Meigs County is an environmental sacrifice zone and the location of FOUR proposed plants. The only thing that doesn’t make sense is that only eight were arrested and not eighty.

Radical environmentalists from Earth First! and Rising Tide are leading the way in this struggle against the coal plants. We must support them in anyway possible.

Please donate to their jail support here.