Save Coal River Mountain:The Online Day of Action Results are In!

By scott parkin

All of you are AMAZING! At the end of last week, a number of organizations took online action to save Coal River Mountain., Center for Biological Diversity,CREDO, Greenpeace,, Natural Resources Defense Council, Rainforest Action Network, Sierra Club and Waterkeeper Alliance all had their online membership (somewhere in the neighborhood of 500,000) email the signatories of last June’s Memo of Understanding (EPA, CEQ, Army Corp of Engineers) about the ongoing destruction at Coal River Mountain.

So far over 63,887 people have emailed the signatories. The federal agencies that have oversight over mountaintop removal and what’s happening at Coal River Mountain are hearing our message loud and clear. We need to keep up the pressure and end the destruction on this beautiful mountain (and all the mountains in Appalachia) and people power is going to help end mountaintop removal. Great work. Onward!