
Yesterday the movement to stop Keystone XL showed up in force once again, with thousands of you coming together at 158 events in all 50 states—all organized in about 72 hours! Even more impressive, many events happened in the bitter cold of winter, with temperatures in the single digits in many locations.

There were too many incredible moments from yesterday to name them all, but here are some of our favorites: hundreds encircled the federal building in Seattle with the message “Climate Justice Now, Reject Keystone XL”; Indigenous communities across the country held #OcetiRising solidarity vigils with the Oceti Sakowin pipeline fighters on the Keystone XL route; Nebraska residents rallied outside the offices of Brad Ashford (D-NE) to condemn his vote for pro-Keystone legislation; in DC, we delivered 500,000 petition signatures to the president (including many from RAN members!); and in San Francisco, 300 people joined RAN, Idle No More, and CREDO for a rally in the financial district.

Together we demonstrated our dedication to stopping this pipeline, no matter what it takes, and to keeping a laser-like focus on President Obama, no matter what sideshows go on in Congress and elsewhere. At the end of the day, this is still the president’s decision to make, and we’re not going to relent until he does the right thing and rejects this dangerous, destructive project for good.

Thank you to everyone who came out to hold signs in the bitter cold, chant, and tell the president to reject KXL now!

Via our friends at the Sierra Club, check out the full story of yesterday’s events below: 

Be sure to check out our gallery of pictures from last night’s big rally in San Francisco